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Key Features of Sustainable Development

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Key Features of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development encompasses various essential features aimed at ensuring a balanced and enduring progression. Here are some salient characteristics:

Efficient Use of Natural Resources

Sustainable development does not imply depriving the current generation of natural resources with no concern for future generations. Instead, it emphasizes the proficient utilization of resources, ensuring their availability for the generations to come.

No Compromise in the Quality of Life of Future Generations

The goal of sustainable development is not only to enhance the current generation’s quality of life but also to ensure that the use of natural resources and the environment does not compromise the well-being of future generations.

Development should be Environment-Friendly

The concept of sustainable development rejects the misuse of natural resources and environmental pollution. Therefore, it encourages the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies to support development without harming the ecosystem.

Does not Limit Economic Development

Sustainable development aims not to restrict economic growth but to advocate for the judicious use of natural resources within the sustainable limits of the environment. This ensures that the development of the current generation does not jeopardize the interests of future generations.

Distribution Equity

The vision of sustainable development emphasizes equal distribution of resources. It advocates for fair distribution among different generations or components of the same generation, ensuring that each individual has an equal opportunity for development.

Preservation of Capita

Under this concept, capital is classified into three types:

  •    Human Capital (education, technological progress, etc.)
  •    Physical Capital (machinery, tools, etc.)
  •    Natural Capital (natural resources, clean air, clean water, etc.)
Also Read  Environmental Determinism

Sustainable development promotes the preservation of all three types of capital, recognizing their interdependence for long-term prosperity.


In conclusion, sustainable development is not just a modern buzzword; it’s a holistic approach that aims to foster progress while preserving the environment and ensuring a high quality of life for present and future generations. Adopting these key features can pave the way for a sustainable and harmonious future.

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