Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Understanding the global radiation or heat budget of the Earth and its atmosphere is crucial for students preparing for competitive exams like UGC-NET, UPSC, RPSC, KVS, NVS, DSSSB, HPSC, HTET, RTET, UPPSC, and BPSC in the geography subject. This concept explains the balance between incoming solar radiation (shortwave radiation) and outgoing terrestrial radiation (longwave radiation) from the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. It is an essential component in the study of climatology and atmospheric science, helping to understand how energy is absorbed, reflected, and emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere.
Table of contents
The Earth’s heat budget or energy balance refers to the equilibrium between the solar energy received from the Sun and the heat energy emitted back into space. This delicate balance ensures that the Earth’s temperature remains within a range that supports life. Disruptions to this balance, such as increased greenhouse gas concentrations, can lead to significant climate changes, making the understanding of this process crucial for environmental and climate science.
Global Radiation: The Foundation of Earth’s Energy
The term global radiation encompasses all solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, both direct shortwave radiation from the Sun and diffuse radiation scattered by the Earth’s atmosphere. This global radiation is the primary source of energy for nearly all natural processes on Earth, from weather systems to the water cycle. According to J.E. Hobbs (1980), it is this energy that drives the Earth’s climatic systems and biological processes. Without global radiation, life on Earth would be impossible, as it provides the heat required to maintain the planet’s surface temperature and enables processes like photosynthesis.
Simplified Global Radiation/Heat Budget of the Earth and the Atmosphere (based on G.T. Trewartha) | Percentage |
(1) Incoming Shortwave Solar Radiation (in percentage) | |
Total energy reaching the top of the atmosphere | 100 |
(A) The amount of solar radiation lost (depleted) during its passage through the atmosphere (a + b + c) | 35 |
(a) Reflected from the clouds | 27 |
(b) Reflected from the ground surface | 2 |
(c) Scattered and diffused by the dust particles and molecules of water vapor, sent back to space | 6 |
Remaining amount of solar radiation available for the Earth and its atmosphere (100 – 35) | 65 |
(B) Terrestrial heat receipt (gained by the Earth’s surface) (a + b, 34 + 17 = 51) | 51 |
(a) Received through direct radiation | 34 |
(b) Received through diffuse daylight | 17 |
(C) Atmospheric heat receipt (gained by the atmosphere from incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation) (a + b, 14 + 34) | 48 |
(a) Received through absorption of incoming solar radiation by ozone, CO₂, oxygen, water molecules, etc. | 14 |
(b) Received through outgoing terrestrial radiation | 34 |
(2) Outgoing Longwave Terrestrial Radiation and Heat Balance of the Earth and the Atmosphere | |
(A) Energy received by the Earth | 51 |
(B) Energy lost by the Earth (a + b + c, 23 + 9 + 19 = 51) | 51 |
(a) Lost through direct radiation | 23 |
(b) Spent in convection and turbulence | 9 |
(c) Spent in evaporation | 19 |
(3) Heat Balance of the Atmosphere | |
(A) Total energy received by the atmosphere | 48 |
(a) Received through absorption of incoming shortwave solar radiation | 14 |
(b) Received through effective radiation from the Earth | 6 |
(c) Received through convection and turbulence | 9 |
(d) Received as latent heat of condensation | 19 |
Total amount received by the atmosphere (a + b + c + d) | 48 |
(B) Energy lost from the atmosphere to space | 48 |
Atmospheric heat/energy balance = gain (48) – loss (48) = 0 |
The Energy Balance
The energy balance of the Earth is the comparison between incoming solar energy and outgoing heat energy. When the Earth’s surface absorbs solar radiation, it heats up and, in turn, radiates energy back into the atmosphere as longwave terrestrial radiation. This balance between incoming shortwave radiation and outgoing longwave radiation keeps the Earth’s overall temperature relatively stable. Disruptions to this balance, whether through natural events like volcanic eruptions or human activities such as burning fossil fuels, can cause shifts in global temperatures, resulting in climate change and weather anomalies like prolonged droughts or extreme storms.

Incoming Shortwave Solar Radiation
The Earth receives about 51% of the incoming solar radiation, while the rest is reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere. Of this 51%, 34% reaches the Earth’s surface as direct sunlight, while 17% is scattered as diffuse radiation. The atmosphere absorbs about 14% of incoming radiation, especially in the form of ultraviolet rays absorbed by ozone in the upper atmosphere. The remaining 35% is reflected back into space by clouds, dust particles, and the Earth’s surface. These reflections create what is known as the planetary albedo, a critical factor in regulating how much energy is absorbed by the Earth.
Outgoing Longwave Terrestrial Radiation
Once the Earth’s surface absorbs solar energy, it re-radiates it as longwave terrestrial radiation. This energy is released in the form of heat, which helps maintain the thermal balance of the planet. Of the total energy absorbed by the Earth, 23% is lost through direct radiation into space, with 6% being absorbed by the atmosphere and 17% radiating directly into space. The remaining energy is used in various Earth systems: about 9% is transferred to the atmosphere through convection and turbulence, while 19% is spent in the process of evaporation, which plays a key role in driving the hydrological cycle and cloud formation. These processes are vital for regulating weather patterns and ensuring the continuity of life-sustaining systems on Earth.
The Role of the Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect is a crucial component of Earth’s heat budget. After the Earth radiates energy, gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane in the atmosphere trap some of this heat and reradiate it back toward the surface, keeping the lower atmosphere warmer. This process, known as counter-radiation, helps maintain Earth’s average temperature at approximately 15°C (59°F), making it hospitable for life. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s average temperature would drop to about -18°C (0°F), making it far too cold to sustain life as we know it. However, human-induced increases in greenhouse gases have intensified this effect, contributing to global warming and altering the natural heat balance.
Conclusion: The Importance of Earth’s Heat Budget
The Earth’s heat budget plays a vital role in regulating global climate and weather patterns. A stable energy balance ensures the Earth’s climate remains suitable for life. However, activities like deforestation, industrial emissions, and urbanization are disrupting this balance by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming. Understanding the heat budget and addressing these human impacts are critical steps toward maintaining a sustainable environment and mitigating climate change.
Test Your Knowledge with MCQs
1. What is the term used to describe the total solar radiation reaching a horizontal surface on the Earth?
A) Global radiation
B) Terrestrial radiation
C) Infrared radiation
D) Longwave radiation
2. What percentage of the total incoming solar radiation is reflected back to space by clouds?
A) 2%
B) 6%
C) 27%
D) 35%
3. What portion of the Earth’s surface receives the majority of the solar radiation that enters the atmosphere?
A) 35%
B) 51%
C) 48%
D) 65%
4. How much of the incoming shortwave solar radiation is absorbed by the atmospheric gases like ozone and water vapor?
A) 14%
B) 34%
C) 48%
D) 51%
5. What term is used to describe the process where the Earth radiates heat back into the atmosphere after absorbing solar energy?
A) Shortwave radiation
B) Longwave terrestrial radiation
C) Scattered radiation
D) Convection
6. Which component of the Earth’s atmosphere contributes significantly to the absorption of longwave terrestrial radiation?
A) Oxygen
B) Ozone
C) Water vapor and carbon dioxide
D) Nitrogen
7. What percentage of terrestrial radiation is directly emitted by the Earth into space?
A) 17%
B) 9%
C) 23%
D) 34%
8. How much solar radiation is lost through scattering by dust particles and water vapor in the atmosphere?
A) 6%
B) 14%
C) 35%
D) 27%
9. What is the process called where heat is transferred within the atmosphere through the movement of air?
A) Radiation
B) Convection
C) Conduction
D) Scattering
10. According to the simplified global heat budget, what is the total energy balance maintained by the Earth and its atmosphere?
A) Gain = 35%, Loss = 51%
B) Gain = 48%, Loss = 48%
C) Gain = 65%, Loss = 65%
D) Gain = 51%, Loss = 35%
1. A) Global radiation
2. C) 27%
3. B) 51%
4. A) 14%
5. B) Longwave terrestrial radiation
6. C) Water vapor and carbon dioxide
7. A) 17%
8. A) 6%
9. B) Convection
10. B) Gain = 48%, Loss = 48%
The Earth’s heat budget, or energy balance, refers to the balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation. It is essential for maintaining the Earth’s temperature and climate stability. The sun’s energy is absorbed by the Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and oceans, while some energy is reflected back into space. Understanding the heat budget helps scientists study climate change, weather patterns, and the Earth’s energy balance. A disruption in this balance can lead to global warming, impacting ecosystems, sea levels, and overall environmental stability.
Solar radiation, primarily in the form of shortwave radiation, is the main source of energy for the Earth’s climate system. About 65% of the incoming solar energy is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, while 35% is reflected back to space by clouds, dust particles, and the surface. The absorbed energy heats the Earth, which then radiates longwave (infrared) energy back into the atmosphere. This balance between incoming and outgoing radiation maintains the Earth’s temperature. Any disruption in this balance can lead to climatic changes such as global warming.
Clouds play a critical role in regulating the Earth’s heat budget by reflecting and absorbing solar and terrestrial radiation. About 27% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back to space by clouds. They also trap outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, contributing to the greenhouse effect. By absorbing and reradiating heat, clouds help maintain a balance in the Earth’s temperature. Variations in cloud cover can lead to changes in local and global temperatures, influencing weather patterns and climate dynamics.