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Geographical Thoughts is a fundamental topic that traces the development of geographical ideas, theories, and methodologies from ancient times to the modern era. It encompasses various approaches, including determinism, possibilism, regional geography, quantitative revolution, behavioral geography, humanistic geography, radical geography, and postmodernism. Understanding these concepts is essential for students preparing for UGC NET, UPSC, SSC, State PSCs, BA, MA and other competitive exams.

This subject also covers influential geographers and philosophers such as Ptolemy, Eratosthenes, Strabo, Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel, Vidal de la Blache, Schaefer, Hartshorne, and Harvey, who contributed to different schools of thought in geography. The transition from environmental determinism to human geography and spatial science highlights the dynamic nature of the discipline.

To help students grasp these complex ideas, Geographical Thoughts Notes are available for free to read. These well-structured Geographical Thoughts Notes cover all essential topics, making them an invaluable resource for academic and exam preparation. Click the link to access comprehensive study material and strengthen your understanding of Geographical Thoughts!

Geographical Thoughts
Ptolemy’s Geographical InsightsOntography
Oscar PeschelArab Geographers’ Contributions to Geography
Contribution of Roman GeographersGerman Geographic Thoughts
Schaefer-Hartshorne DebateDichotomy between General Geography and Regional Geography
Carl Sauer’s Contribution to GeographyThe Age of Exploration
Morris DavisPositivism
Halford J. MackinderIdealist Approach in Geography
Otto SchluterReine or Pure Geography
Elisee Reclus and Arnold GuyotMental Maps
Ferdinand von RichthofenGeography and Social Justice
Immanuel KantImpact of Discoveries
Bernard Varenius 
Patrick Geddes 
Geographical Thoughts Notes