प्रायद्वीपीय भारत का नदी तंत्र (River System of Peninsular India)

ब्राह्मणी नदी की लम्बाई 420 कि. मी. है।
ब्राह्मणी नदी कोयल तथा शंख नदियों के संगम से बनती है।
ये नदियाँ राउलकेला में जाकर मिलती हैं तथा गदजात पहाड़ियों के पश्चिमी भाग को अपवाहित करती हैं।
यह नदी बंगाल की खाड़ी में पाराद्वीप बंदरगाह के ऊपर जाकर मिलती है।
उत्तर में वैतरणी नदी होने के कारण भद्रक के नीचे एक डेल्टा क्षेत्र का निर्माण है।
The Great Basin Desert and Colorado Plateau

Adjacent to the Great Basin, the Colorado Plateau showcases a contrasting tectonic style and landscape. This roughly circular region spans approximately 384,000 square kilometer, encompassing parts of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona.
The Mojave Desert: A Natural Marvel of Southeastern California and Southern Nevada

Discover the Mojave Desert, North America’s smallest desert, boasting a triangular shape that covers approximately 140,000 km2 across southeastern California and southernmost Nevada. With its elevated terrain distinguishing it as the “high desert,” the Mojave stands apart from the neighboring Sonora Desert.
Exploring the Sonoran Desert: A Unique and Diverse Ecosystem

The Sonoran Desert, spanning approximately 275,000 km2, is a remarkable region known for its distinctive flora, varied topography, and subtropical climate. Located in the northern two-thirds of the Gulf of California, primarily in the Mexican state of Sonora, this desert stretches across the Baja California peninsula, reaching the open Pacific coast.